Thursday, April 29, 2010

Downward Facing Dog

So, my appointment with the chiropodist yesterday was really interesting and I won't repeat the details because the two people who currently follow this blog have already heard all about it.

But basically, I really need to stretch. And doing so will help all sorts of things including (but not limited to) my running. (A couple posts ago I mentioned that I don't actually run heels to toes. Well apparently that is largely due to the fact the back of my legs are so tight that I can't comfortably flex my foot enough to run heels to toes. Also, apparently this has something to do with why I trip up stairs--my toes aren't flexed so they catch on the stair . . .)

Anyway! I am going to go to yoga once a week with my roommate Sarah and then also do my calf and hamstring stretches at least twice a day.

Today was the first yoga day. So tomorrow is now my 5k day, which could be interesting given that I'll probably be sore from yoga today . . .

Also, my buddy reese told me today about this thing called google pedometer that I'm excited to try out for planning my runs.

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