Friday, May 7, 2010

Early morning run with Adinne

This morning I met up with my friend Adinne at the park at 6:20 am for a run. Yup, we're that hardcore. (It was chilly but the sun was already well up. It felt crisp and oddly like an appropriate time to be up and about--although that was definitively not how I felt when my alarm went off.)

Adinne is doing a training program for a 5k that currently involves doing 90 second runs mixed in with 2 minute walks. I wanted to join Adinne because 1) running with someone else is more enjoyable and 2) because it's a run-walk combo, the running part is faster than I ever go when I'm just running for 2 or 3 miles. So, I thought it would be good to train my lungs and legs on that faster pace.

It was a nice change of pace (literally and figuratively) to do this interval program and I think I will try to meet up with Adinne once a week if she'll have me.

Yesterday I was going to run, but when I got up to my alarm, my back was not feeling it and I decided to give my body more of a break. The day before I did some yoga and a bit of biking.

I've also been better about stretching. I'm sure I could still be better about it, but I am doing a lot more of it.

Hmm, now I kind of feel like going back to sleep . . .

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