Sunday, May 9, 2010

I'm getting faster!

This evening I did a 5K (3.1 mile) route again. I decided to do some walk-jog-run intervals to make it more interesting, get my heart rate up, and help my body get used to running faster.

I jogged for about 6-7 minutes to warm up, then I did 1 minute walk then 1 minute jog then 1 minute run (which means jog faster) intervals 3 times. After the third time, I got a really bad side stitch so I walked for two minutes and then jogged the rest of the time. Most of the second half of my run was a bit faster than my usual jog pace, I think. And the running times made up for the walking times. So I ended up finishing the whole thing in about 37 minutes, which is just under 12-minute mile pace.

I think giving my body more time off has served me well. I need to keep stretching, keep taking days off of running, and keep doing things to bring up my speed. (Oh I suppose I have to start adding distance so I can eventually get up to 10 miles farther than I'm currently going!)

Tomorrow night is baseball practice.

So, Tuesday I'll plan to run again.

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